Chasing the Lion

Chasing the Lion by A.J. Tata

Glenn Beck recommended this book one day on the radio.  I found it.  Started on 08/08/2021.  I finished on 08/23/2021.  16 days.  I liked the book.  It was a great story.  The writing style was a little rough.  There was a LOT of name dropping that seemed to “muddy up” the actual characters of the story.  There was a lot of action in the book.  Sometimes it was beyond believable though.  Kind of like Mission Impossible movies.  The main character got shot (twice I think) and still managed to beat an Olympic boxer in a final showdown punch out match at the end.  Come on man…..  The story line was good at keeping my attention.  The author has several more books.  I might check out one of those in the future.  I give the book an 8/10.

A Familiar Sight

A Familiar Sight by Brianna Labuskes.  Another Amazon Free book.

I started this book on the first night of our vacation on 7/26/2021.  It took me a couple of chapters (it’s a person/chapter book) to get into the characters but once I was in OH BOY!!!!

Reed and Claire Kent are in the upper 1% of wealth in Boston.  They have three children.  Viola (a phcopath) and the 2 boys.  Claire is found murdered and the bloody knife in Viola’s dresser.  Lena Ford (a lawyer) takes the case but then OD’s on drugs before finishing the case.

Gretchen (a sociopath) is a police consultant who knows Lena.  She’s on the case with another detective called Marconni.  They have to solve the case of who killed Claire Kent.

The last 10 chapters are very very gripping.

Enjoyment level 9/10

Finished 08/03/2021

The Chain – by Adrian McKinty

The Chain

Started on 7/16/2021.  Don’t break the chain.  Your child gets kidnapped and you must pay a ransom AND kidnap someone else’s child to NOT break the chain.

So she did the deeds and she got her daughter back.  That’s the first 50% of the book.  I just finished that chapter last night.  So what’s the rest of the book about?

That ending though…She got her daughter back, got the bad guys and lived.  Great book I would highly recommend.