Lucinda Berry ~ If You Tell a Lie

Well, it’s Lucinda so of course I’m going to read it.  I started it on 9/1/24. Finished on 9/15/24 (14 Days)
The book was just OK for me.  Lucinda has written some bangers and this one just isn’t one of them.

It revolves around 4 girls who go to camp every year.  They’re outcast kids otherwise.  The ring leader Blakely is not a nice person.
She gets the other 3 involved in a prank that goes terrible wrong.  They live with the guilt for 25 years.  Then Blakely gets them AGAIN!

I’m only giving this book a 6/10.  Characters were well written and chapters were generally short.


MRM ~ Cannonballs are made of Bananas

6/19/24 (Day 1)
6 lbs Golden Lake Honey
1.5 lbs very ripe bananas
2 Gallons spring water
1 tsp pectic enzyme
Mangrove Jacks yeast

Boiled the bananas (peel and all) in about 1/2 gallon of the spring water.  Used the other half to help warm the honey for easier pour.  It worked!
Boiled bananas for 20 minutes.  Added the bananas to a bag while straining the hot water into the bucket.  Added the warm honey.  Added the rest of the water.  Mixed well and let cool.  Don’t want to kill the yeasts.
S.G. = 1.080 but the water was very warm.  Gonna take another reading after it cools a bit. (10.6% potential ABV)
I used all of my Golden Lake honey so I won’t have any for back sweetening.  I’ll have to use another for that.

6/21/24 (Day 3)
Added 1 tsp DAP

6/24/24/ (Day 5)
Added 2 tsp Fermaid-O

S.G. = 1.000.  Removed bananas.  Still setting on yeast.

7/19/24 (Day 30)
Racked off yeast into new bucket and Stabilized with 1 tsp metabisulphite and sorbate.
Leave it for 24 hours.

7/24/24 (Day 35)
Added 3 lbs of frozen bananas, 6 full graham crackers, 1/4 lb brown sugar and 1 tsp vanilla extract.  Will back sweeten in a week or two.

8/12/24 (Day 55)
Removed the bananas and graham crackers.  Added another 1/2 cup brown sugar and 1/2 tsp vanilla.  Let clear and bottle.

9/4/24 (Day very long time)
Bottled today.  The labels are dated wrong for the bottle but by only a few days.  It’s clear and nice today.  Let’s see what it looks like in a month.

Final bottling gravity was 1.018.  It still tastes sweet even though it isn’t.



Lauren Thoman ~ You Shouldn’t Be Here

This is an Amazon First Read.  Starting the book on 8/16/26.  Never read the author before.

Finished on 8/31/24.  I liked it.  There were lots of characters.  Chapters were kind of long.  Rent a house from a slum lord and see what “ghosts” you can conjure up.  A dead body in the wall behind the closet, voices sounding like they’re in the shower.  Do the kids get their revenge?  Read the book and find out.

I’m giving this book a 7/10. 16 Days