MRM – Summer Berry Mead


3 lbs Glenns Honey
3 lbs Classic Fruit Medley from Kroger
1 Gallon water (from tap)
1 tsp Fermaid O
1/2 tsp Pectic Enzyme
Juice of 1 lime
Peel of 1 lime (used peeler for just the peel)
100 raisins (for mouthfeel)

SG = 1.092


Took a reading.  SG = .009.  It’s done fermenting.  Tasted good.  Needs aged.

I racked the mead off the fruit into 1 gallon glass carboys.  There was more than 1 gallon.
I used some leftover mead to decrease headspace in the second gallon.  It wasn’t enough to fill but I think will work.  It will be a blended mead and bottled and labeled separately.  Of course I sanitized everything and used sanitized water in the airlocks.  It’s only been 3 weeks so this has a ways to sit in secondary.

21 days since started.  SG = .009 ABV = 13.4


I re-racked both the straight and the blended today.  There was a LOT of sediment due to the poor rack I got the first time.  Gonna let it set for another week before bottling.  Tasting both the straight still has a HOT alcohol taste but the berry flavor is there.  The blended is just straight mead flavor.  I think I may add the peach flavoring that I bought to that blended mead.  There is only about 1/2 gallon of the blended and a gallon of the straight.

Bottling day!!!!!  My favorite day!!!!

35 days since started.

Blended:  I added 2 Tblsp of Peach flavoring and 3 “glugs” of honey.  Got a bottling gravity of 1.039.  It’s gonna be sweet and delicious.

Straight:  I added 2 “glugs” of honey.  Got a bottling gravity of 1.020.  It’s not as sweet as the Blended…..But that’s OK.  It’s really good.

6/20/23 (61 days)
I have a bottle in the fridge now.  The Straight is spot on and may be my favorite mead I’ve made so far.

The one month testing came out very well.  The berry flavor is good but I get a bit of spoiled berry flavor right at the end.  It actually bottle conditioned to carbonate.  I wasn’t expecting that but looking at the notes I did NOT stabilize this.
The blended is weird.  The peach flavor gets lost but K & D said it feels “soft” on the tongue.