MRM ~ Kenton’s Coffee Currant Mead




Recipe for 1 Gallon:
2 lbs Palermo Bolssom Honey (From Menards)
3 cups Black Current Concentrate
2 oz cacoa nibs toasted for 10 minutes on burner level 5
1 cup Utopian coffee grounds (finely ground) and French Pressed in luke warm water for 15 minutes.  Makes 3 cups of coffee
Top off to full gallon with Niagara spring water from Dollar Tree
Mangrove Jacks 1/2 packet only
S.G. = 1.084

There’s activity in the airlock.  Going to add 1 oz Fermaid O today.

8/4/23 (17 days)
Wow, I racked this off today to a wide mouth gallon and took a taste.  It’s very sweet and very heavy on the coffee and chocolate flavor.  With some time that will subside though.
S.G. = 1.010

8/25/23 (38 days)
Bottling day!!  I added some more black current juice to bring the sweetness up just a bit and about 1/2 lb honey.  I forgot that I didn’t stabilize this so I’m worried that 1. carbonation will occur or 2. fermentation will continue.  It was down to 1.002.  I got 5 full bottles and 1 very small amount to taste it in a month.  11.2% ABV