Gillian McAllister ~ Wrong Place Wrong Time

Started this on 12/21/23.  I think I should be able to finish this before the end of the year.  I’ve only been reading one night and I’m already about 15% into the book.  Is she having De Ja Vu or is she a time traveler?

I finished on 12/31/23.  10 Days.  Not to shabby but the book was really (and I mean REALLY) good.  Jen watches as her son commits a crime.  Her and Kelly (her husband) are heartbroken.  Jen wakes up the next morning… the past.  How far back will she go?  What needs changed in order to save Todd (her son) from committing this crime?  Well it’s a long ways.  Book is very well written.  Had me guessing until the very end.  Ending is great.