
MRM ~ HeadHunters Blackberry

10/20/24 FIRST BACTCH AT MSR!!!! (10/19/24) Thawed 5 lbs of blackberries in a Kilwins bucket 10/20/24 5 lbs blackberries 5 lbs McComb Bees Honey (From Decatur) 2 gallons Crystal Geyser water 10 grams Fermaid-O Mangrove Jacks Yeast S.G. = 1.082 (10% ABV possible) Mixed all ingredients.  The bucket is full and the airlock is getting …

MRM ~ Coleman’s Cinnamon Cider

11/21/24 96 oz G.V. apple juice 1/2 gallon Kekionga Cider 1/4 lb honey 2 cinnamon sticks S.G. 1.064 (about 8%) 71B yeast pitched dry 12/3/24 S.G. = 1.010 Nothing added and Nothing racked.  I think it’s still going.  I have another half gallon of cider to mix in to give it a really good flavor. …

MRM ~ Cannonballs are made of Bananas

6/19/24 (Day 1) 6 lbs Golden Lake Honey 1.5 lbs very ripe bananas 2 Gallons spring water 1 tsp pectic enzyme Mangrove Jacks yeast Boiled the bananas (peel and all) in about 1/2 gallon of the spring water.  Used the other half to help warm the honey for easier pour.  It worked! Boiled bananas for …

MRM ~ The Square “Root” of the Sun…..Ra

4/14/24 (Day 1) 2 Gallon recipe 1 lb Trader Joe’s Mesquite honey 3 lb Glenn’s Honey 2 gallons spring water Lalvin QA23 yeast 1 tsp Fermaid-O .5 – .8 oz Zatarains Root Beer extract Mixed the ingredients to start a traditional mead.  I reconstituted the yeast with a small amount of water and honey.  Will …