MRM ~ Jump on the “Pyment” Trane


2 Gallon Recipe
4 lbs Honey.  I used a mixed batch of honey for this one
2 96 oz Great Value White Grape Juice
Lalvin 71B yeast
8 Grams Fermaid – O
.5 Grams tannin
Mixed all ingredients.  Added yeast.  S.G. = 1.118 (15.5% potential ABV)

6/19/24 (Day 30)
Racked into big glass carboy.
Added 1 tsp Sorbate and 1/4 tsp metabisulphite.
Added 2 campden tablets.
S.G. = 1.004 (15.2% ABV)
Going to give it a week to clear.

Back sweetened to 1.035.  Added 1oz Dark toasted American Oak chips in cheesecloth bag.

7/19/24 (Day 60)
Bottled and labeled this beast!  It’s gonna be good!!!!

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