Her Perfect Family by Teresa Driscoll


So I started this book right after finishing “All our Darkest Secrets”.  I started it on 10/4/2021.  I’ve read three chapters so far.  I like the chapter style of different people per chapter.  This is the first book I’ve read by this author.  This is an Amazon First Read free book.  What can I lose?

British writer.  Lots of English references that you have to think about to understand.

Characters are well developed.

Daughter shot at Uni graduation.  Father, has secrets.  Mother, has secrets.  Daughter, has secrets.  Boyfriend (A) has secrets.  Boyfriend (S) don’t know yet but is cheating on his wife with daughter.  Oh S has secrets.  It’s not a ScoobyDoo mystery.  The ending was surprising.

I finished this book on 10/17/2021.  Ending was good.  Kind of predictable but I didn’t want to put it down.  The power was out so I pretty much read 20% of the book to finish it.

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