James Benn Blood Alone (Billy Boyle book 3)


Another library loaner reading on the Kindle app.  That is soooo awesome cause if I had to but these books I wouldn’t read them so fast.  They are awesome.  I started this on on 2/19/2022 and bet I can finish before the end of the month.  (Feb a short month).  2/28/2022 and I just finished the book.  Lots of mobster/gangster style stuff in this book with the Scicilians all kind of backstabbing each other.  Billy looses his memory and wakes up in Sicili.  Has to remember who he as and what he is suppose to be doing.  Awesome story.  Again had to look up the map to see where they were.   Final chapters in the book he meets up with Daphne again.  Finally.  Can’t wait to start the next one.

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