The Darkest Flower


Kristin Wright’s book.  An Amazon first read book.  Reading it now.  Four chapters in.  It uses the “person as chapters” writing.

So far Kira, the PTA president has been arrested for possibly trying to commit a poisoning of another PTA member.  This book should go quick.

Finished on May 28, 2021.  Wow!!!! Kira is crayCRAY!!!!  She “didn’t” do it but she sure wanted to.  The depths of a mothers love goes deep.  She’s fighting desperately to get her fifth grade son into Yale (yes at that young age she has a “path” she wants him to take) but his son’s friend is as smart or smarter that he is.  Oh and he is black so Kira thinks he has an advantage to get into Yale.

She wanted to poison Finn’s friend so that Finn would stand out more but ended up not going through with it.  Then someone else gets poisoned and she gets accused of doing it.  Aconite from the Wolfsbane flower is doing it….Well you get a deep dark in depth look at her mind.

I like the writing style, the chapters were long (some of them to long to finish before I fell asleep) but it was a fine read anyway.


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