2 Gallons Kroger 100% apple juice
2 lbs dark brown sugar
Lalvin D47 yeast
S.G. = 1.086 ~ 10%
2tsp yeast nutrient (Not fermaid)
2 cinnamon sticks
I will be step feeding this with more brown sugar and fermaid – O on 6/26. I want to push this yeast to the very max. D47 has a tolerance of 15%. This batch may go to Travis for distilling. We will see.
S.G. = .994 so it’s gone dry. I’m going to back sweeten to taste and bottle it on 7/9/23.
Racked off yeast and cinnamon sticks into clean and sanitized bucket.
S.G. = .994. Dry and pretty much tasteless. I added 2 cups Erythritol and it’s still very dry and tasteless. I tried (in a taster cup) to add peach flavoring. YUK! Then I tried some salted caramel flavoring and that was ok. Will have to get some caramel from the store to add flavor.
I added 2/3 cup brown sugar for priming. I stirred in 3 oz of sugar free salted caramel flavoring and bottled today. Labels printed and affixed.
30 days since made into the bottle. Not bad.