MRM ~ The “Young” Hopped Mead



.20 Ounce Cascade hops boiled for 15 minutes (in purified water)
3 lbs Orange Blossom honey from Meijer
2 gallons purified water
EC-118 yeast rehydrated with 1Tblsp sugar and warm purified water
S.G. 1.046
Pitched yeast at 94 degrees

2 grams Wine Tannin
4 grams Fermaid – O
It’s starting to be active.  The airlock is bubbling even on the bucket.  Need to take another gravity reading on 6/27/23.  It shouldn’t take long for this one to ferment.  Then I will be adding the dry hops.

7/6/23 (18 days)
.45 oz of a combo of Citra, Calypso and Saaz hops added and stirred.  Will bottle on Sunday 7/9/23.  S.G. .998 so it’s gone dry.

7/9/23 (21 days)
Well it wasn’t clear but I bottled it anyway.  To the keg I added about 3 oz honey, 1/2 tsp Potassium sorbate, 1/4 tsp metabisulfite.
To the bottles I added 1 cup Eurithrotal for sweetening and 1 bottle carbonation tab (looks like a piece of candy) per bottle.  I can’t wait to chill and test this brew out.   21 days from start to bottling.  F.G. = .998 with an abv of 6%


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